Sunday, December 24, 2017

12/24/17 - Week 7

So this week you were the size of a small pea and yet I feel like you are huge!  I am stretching out much faster this time and it is messing with my head.  I still can't keep anything down and yet I am gaining weight and getting big much faster than before.

This week we told Auntie MissyMoo about you and Great-Grandma & Grandpa Joe.  Everyone is so excited about you!

Honestly, much of this pregnancy is me being sick and you getting bigger.  I don't cook anymore.  I did have the brilliant idea of hosting Christmas Adam which was rather brilliant and stupid.  I don't cook and then I spent all day in the kitchen trying not to throw up while cooking.  And then I had to not throw up while our guests were here.  It was a rather precarious situation.

My only concern was on Christmas Eve because I felt a different kind of sick than I have thus far.  The signs that showed up made me wonder if we have a pending miscarriage coming our way.  Jonathan didn't help anything because he acknowledge you for the first time since we conceived.  Before you were conceived he talked to you all the time and talked about you but after conception he completely stopped.  When he pointed at my tummy and said "baby" again I wondered if you were still okay in there.  I don't know but I know that it will be okay.  It won't be easy but I also know it isn't the end.

We love you so much!  We can't wait to meet you in like 32 weeks and hopefully you wait that long to meet us too.  Until next week....

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