Sunday, December 10, 2017

12/10/2017 - Week 5

So it would appear that Jonathan is right, you are coming!  This week I still couldn't get a positive test and was beginning to wonder what was going on.  I still felt crummy all week but on Thursday things got particularly bad.  I laid Jonathan down for a nap and then went to go take one myself.  I laid down and the cramping started up.  I knew that Dad would be home soon and would make me go see a doctor.  I tried to set things up for someone to watch Jonathan and that took longer than expected.  No one knew about you yet and so it was hard to get help without telling them we might, possibly be pregnant.

When I went in I said that I thought I was pregnant and was afraid it was an ectopic pregnancy.  The triage nurse didn't seem to believe me because I hadn't had a positive home pregnancy test.  We were admitted though and sent back to wait for the doctor.  He showed up and asked why we were there and I told him the same thing.  He confirmed that we were in fact pregnant and he wanted to do some blood work on me to see how things were with you.  He also was nervous it was an ectopic pregnancy.

Nothing moved very quickly in the ER that night and every time they ran a test it was at least an hour wait for the results.  They ordered an ultrasound for me and I was a little nervous about the woman doing the testing.  I showed up and she said that since it was an emergency ultrasound that I wasn't allowed to look at the screen or take pictures.  She was also very blunt about the fact that I would have to get my results from the doctor and she wouldn't discuss anything with me.  I figured this would happen and wasn't really bothered by it.  We chatted about infertility and they had struggled too.  She had gotten pregnant a few years ago with an ectopic pregnancy but hadn't had any luck.  She wore the same forced smile of someone who is accepting the plan without liking it.  I found out during the exam that she was currently pregnant and had made it to the second trimester.  She ended up being super sweet and I enjoyed my time with her.

Before I left she sat me down and said we needed to talk about the results.  I was really confused because she had just said she wasn't going to talk to me but was interested in knowing what she saw.  She said that it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy yet but I was still super early along.  She said the pain I was experiencing comes from the corpus luteum giving nutrients to growing egg.  She said that the egg hadn't even implanted in the lining yet but the lining was very thick and I was showing signs of a very healthy pregnancy.  She made me promise not to post it on Facebook and sent me on my way.

It was a relief to know that the signs were good.  Dad was starving and ordered food to be delivered in the emergency room.  I didn't even know that was an option honestly.  Dad asked when I got back if we had any news and I said no because the door was open.  He closed the door and I explained to him what she had told me.  Dad broke into tears and was so excited that we would have another little one joining our family soon.  He was so excited that I can't even describe his level of joy.  The last time I saw him like that was when I told him we were pregnant with Jonathan.

I was grateful the tech stopped and talked to me because the results of the ultrasound told us that it wasn't ectopic yet but it was too early to rule that out in the future.  It wasn't nearly as informative or comforting.  They sent us home and told us to come back on Saturday for lab work to test my hormone levels.  Trying to schedule coming in for my testing was like pulling teeth!  It took a million phone calls and the whole thing was ridiculous.  I got it all scheduled and then showed up and they didn't know what to do with me.  The tested the results, after some bargaining and many explanations, but we don't know the results just yet.  Hopefully we will know soon and everything will be good.

We love you and are excited for this new adventure!  Until next week....

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